Monday, September 8, 2014

Vocabulary Fall List #3

coherent- logical and consistent
~ His arguments were coherent by using facts.
belabor- to argue or elaborate in excessive detail
~ She was labeled captain obvious because she belabored the audience.
eschew- deliberately avoid using, to abstain from
~ They eschewed any sort of violence while protesting.
acquisitive- excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
~ The woman's personality was acquisitive because she only liked men with big mansions.
emulate- match or surpass (a person or achievement) typically by imitation
~ He was trying to emulate the successful candidate and turned out to be more famous.
banal- so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
~ The song had so much banal and was hackneyed because they played it constantly on the radio.
excoriation- harsh criticism
~ You're asking for excoriation if you pull a prank on someone.
congeal- to solidify
~ The blood had congealed into globs.
carping- difficult to please, critical
~ My mom was carping even when I had good grades.
substantiate- provide evidence to support the truth of something
~ Can you substantiate your allegations?
temporize- avoid making a decision or committing onself in order to gain time
~ He temporized for weeks but unfortunately never committed to the relationship.
largesse- generosity in bestowing money or gifts to others.
~ It was sad that she had to show largesse in order to have friends.
tenable- able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection
~ The political party was surprisingly tenable.
insatiable- impossible to satisfy
~ The critic was insatiable with anything.
reconnaissance- surveying or research
~ The aircraft was great for low-level reconnaissance.
germane- relevant to subject under consideration
~ Bringing up Stacy's mother was germane during the debate about her.
ramify-  spread or branch out
~ He finally began to ramify after he graduated out of college.
intransigent- unwilling to change or agree, stubborn
~ It's hard to have a debate with someone who is intransigent.
taciturn- reserved, saying little
~ The freshman was really taciturn because he was new and didn't have any friends.

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